The Smoke that Thunders in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Day 7


FullSizeRender4 The action packed day continued and we hit the road after a game drive and breakfast in Chobe National Park. We quickly reached the Zimbabwe border. Will and I got in line to obtain a combined visa for both Zimbabwe and Zambia. The joint visa would save us money and possibly time at the next border. The boarder officers informed us that the computer for processing the joint visas was down so they could only process the Zimbabwe – oh well. We left our passports and money then waited. About 10 minutes later, the officers told our tour guides they had the computer back up and running. We gave them the additional $20 USD fee and the joint visa was issued about 15 minutes later. Hello Africa!

About an hour later, we arrived to the town of Victoria Falls. Both Jojo and Nash (our tour guides) are from the area so they had lots of Continue reading