Embracing the Rain in Wellington, New Zealand

IMG_6768We arrived into the “big city” late in the afternoon on Easter. We stopped by a brewery but almost everything was closed down. We did find a few restaurants open but there’s a law on certain holidays that prohibits the sale of alcohol unless it is purchased with a meal. Keeping to our plan of cooking all meals, we were not able to find to try new beers while the law was in effect.

Owhiro Bay freedom camping with South Island is in the distance

We were happy to find that the Wellington city council’s park in Owhiro Bay right outside the city permits freedom camping! This was great because all the other campsites we found near the city were very expensive with poor facilities. Continue reading

Trekking around Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand


The west coast is relatively flat except for the dramatic Mount Taranaki rising from the plains. This is the most picturesque volcano I have ever seen! After driving from the beaches in Waitomo, we planned to camp at one of the upper carparks half way up the mountain. We first drove up to the Dawson Falls carpark which turned out to be touristy and busy which we did not prefer. We turned around and went back down the mountain to try the next, Stratford Plateau. It was only 2 kilometers from the first yet we had to drive an hour down and back up the mountain to get to it. The site was much more secluded and just what we were looking for. We couldn’t see much because it Continue reading

Long Walks on the Beach in Waitomo, New Zealand

IMG_5687Our rugged road trip came to a halt when one of the van’s tires went flat. Thankfully, the rental came with a spare and all the necessary tools. I changed the tire while Sara looked through the rental paperwork to read the fine print. With the doughnut installed and not clear instructions from the rental paperwork (except to call them prior to proceeding with any repairs), we headed back towards civilization to find a phone. We found one outside of a tour company and I talked with Spaceship Rentals who only advised us to either get the tire fixed or get a new tire.

We continued driving further into civilization and arrived in a town right at five o’clock. Continue reading

Rugged Road Trip down the West Coast, New Zealand

IMG_4458Continuing down the west coast from Northland, we wanted to do an off the beaten path road trip. Our plan was to stock up on supplies in Raglan then head south along the rough gravel roads hugging the coast. Along the way, we had quite a few sights in mind that we wanted to visit.

IMG_4543Just south of Raglan, there was a budget campsite that we planned on staying at before leaving town. When we arrived, it was just a field with some toilets in the far corner – not appealing especially for $10 per person. The information center in town tipped us off that further down the road was a car park at the top of a ravine where freedom camping was not illegal yet. Even though it was only a few kilometers down the road, it felt like we were completely isolated. Continue reading