Food Tasting in Lima, Peru

FullSizeRenderAn early morning flight from Quito brought us to Lima mid-day. After settling into our hostel, Kokopelli, we attended to our laundry, visited a supermarket, and had an early night watching a movie from our portable library. We had a slow start the following morning while planning our stay in Lima and our upcoming month in Peru.

Hostel Emergency

Just as we were gathering our things for an afternoon walk, Will said that we had to go in a rushed tone. I looked towards him at the window and saw smoke billowing past. As we quickly gathered our valuables (passports and electronics), I opened the door to find hostel employees rushing through the halls with fire extinguishers. Continue reading

Getting Adjusted in Quito, Ecuador


Basilica of the National Vow


Firetrucks in MIA

We said our goodbyes and headed south from Philadelphia with a stop in Miami. The two hour layover was plenty of time and we were excited while boarding for the final leg. Unfortunately, the airplane had an unforeseen issue shortly after takeoff. When the pilot informed the passengers that we would be returning to Miami, Will and I looked out the window and noticed the flaps were still down so we assumed that was the issue. The aircraft had a normal approach and landing. Right after touchdown, we were greeted by about ten firetrucks with bright flashing lights. Continue reading

Planning our Final Stop: South America

After a whirlwind three months in Europe, we headed back to the United States to visit family and celebrate Sara’s brother’s wedding. The first week back was full of projects preparing for the wedding at our family home in western Pennsylvania. Everything came together perfectly with a stunning wedding celebrating a beautiful couple.
Pennsylvania Fall Lakeside Wedding Tent

The Farm

Once the wedding excitement ended, we headed to eastern Pennsylvania to visit my family before getting back on the road. Our days were already packed to ensure we saw everyone in the surrounding area. Because we had not yet booked anything for our final leg in South America, it was becoming very easy to think about staying home surrounded by family instead of getting back on the road. But we both knew Continue reading

Starting our European Adventure in Brussels, Belgium

FullSizeRender8As we passed under the English Channel on a train from England to Belgium, I started to read about the Eurail passes we previously purchased. Though our research about traveling in Europe, many different resources led to the same conclusion: a Eurail pass is the best way to get around. The pass allows us to ride almost any long distance train in Europe (excluding England, Scotland and Albania) for usually no additional cost. There are many different options for passes, but Sara and I chose a three month unlimited pass. The writer at Seat 61 has a great description of the different passes and was helpful with our decision making. The unlimited Eurail Global Pass was our best option because we’ll travel in Europe for three months and we don’t want to be limited in the number travel days. For us, the hardest part was coordinating receipt of the passes. We purchased them back in May and had them shipped to Sara’s parents who received the certified package. Then Sara’s mom brought the passes to us when we saw her in Africa. Continue reading